Week 13 - Bethanny

I do think it is important to pursue writing center research because it is through research that tutors are able to learn a variety of practices in regards to tutoring students. I think we can all agree that we learned a lot through the studies we've read in class, and reading them make us reflect on our own experiences as tutors and students. The article that I read from the newsletter a few weeks ago highlights the importance of research (and also sharing/publishing research) because it showed me a new situation that might occur to me. Shortly after, one of my students submitted an essay that talks about her personal difficulties, and thanks to that I article, I know how to give feedback to that student.

I haven't thought about what I would research, but I think I would want to look at the settings of various writing centers because I am quite interested in space and design. How are writing centers designed? What facilities do they have? Are they accessible? I would think about these types of questions and see if they encourage student attendance or student learning.


  1. You'll actually find various articles on writing center design in WLN and Writing Center Journal because lucky writing center directors have had the chance to work with architects and interior decorators to design a new center, for example, in a new building not yet built or in a huge space in the university library. Usually they ask for communal spaces, lounge spaces, offices, rooms for private one-on-one's, one-button studios for multimedia projects, a computer lab, etc. The coolest and coziest writing center I've ever seen is at Ball State U in Muncie, Indiana--it's got conversation areas, pillows, lamps with soft lighting, carpet--a relaxing decor.

  2. I also find space and design quite interesting. I appreciate that when our WC is really busy we are allowed to meet with our students in a more quiet atmosphere such as the EPB hallway. As I mentioned in my case study this week, one of my students has a hard time focusing on our conversations when the WC is busy with other appointments. If we were still meeting in-person I would have probably moved us to an area less distracting for her.
    I've also had similar experiences with our readings for this class, where we would read about a particular topic and then soon after I encountered that very situation. It is because of the research/case studies we've been exposed to that I have been able to better meet my students needs, both in the WC and as an instructor.


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