Blog post 4

The reading about multilingual writers as well as our class discussions were really helpful, specifically the point the Bedford guide makes on Pg 65 about serving a scribe, "jotting down key words or phrases in the writer's words." I found this useful in general, as a tool for my science student, who often spoke quite eloquently but wasn't always able to or confident enough to translate that onto the page. The section about adult learners was also useful as I have a student who works at the Center for Teaching. For my work with her her, setting agenda, spending time on closing down the session, summarizing, and "takeaways" have been really useful. With another adult learner, I've been helping her gain confidence in using her real world experience (as a nurse in the Special Forces, and army in general) when appropriate to round out her papers, as Bedford suggest on pg 70. (To be continued)


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